Sharon lighting a faaag

The Bitch Boys

Improv proteges, East London

The Bitch Boys, sponsored by Tennents and Go-Cat...are Sharon Lee Kirk, courageous lover, noodle-stashing, cocktailspoon-singeing cardboard actress of forum theatre, and Clancy McLune, spliff-dodging, down-and-out dyke marryer of East London anti-fame. The Bitch Boys first met in a pile of broken glass in King's Cross and made their first recording some months later, circa the time of guitarist McLune's last nervous breakdown. Whether the recordings were a symptom or a cause of his illness is unclear, however, dubbing themeselves "The Bitch Boys", Kirk and McLune set out to launch an offensive on London's piss-poor art culture and the egos of the spoilt kids that embody it, but in the end they couldn't be arsed.

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